The last words of Kemal Bey, the Boğazlıyan District Governor, who was sentenced to death by the Istanbul government, before his execution:
The last words of Kemal Bey, the District Governor of Boğazlıyan, who was sentenced to death by the Istanbul government in order to please the Allied Powers, before his execution were: "Dear citizens, I am a Turkish civil servant. I fulfilled the order I received. My conscience is sure that I did my duty. I swear to you that I am innocent. My last word is this today and this tomorrow. They are hanging me in order to please foreign powers. If this is what they call justice, down with justice! My dear brothers, I entrust my children to the noble Turkish Nation. This heroic nation will certainly take care of them. May Allah not cause any harm to our homeland and nation. Amen. I am in debt, I have no wealth. I am leaving my three children orphaned for the sake of the nation. Individuals die, the nation lives. God willing, the Turkish Nation will live forever. Long live the Nation..." (Kemal Bey was declared a "National Martyr" by the TBMM in 1922.)