Ohababa.com as a platform does not approve the upload of NSFW and NSFL content.
Not safe for work (NSFW) is an Internet slang or abbreviation used to flag links to content, videos or website pages that the viewer may not want to view in a public, official or controlled environment. Flagged content may include graphic violence, pornography, profanity, nudity, insults or other potentially disturbing subject matter. Environments that may be problematic include workplaces, schools, and family environments. NSFW is especially important for people trying to use the Internet personally in workplaces or schools that have policies prohibiting access to sexual and graphic content. Conversely, safe for work (SFW) is used for links that do not contain such material, especially where the title might otherwise lead people to think the content is NSFW. A similar expression, not safe for life ( NSFL ), is also used, which refers to content that is so disgusting or disturbing that it could cause emotional harm when viewed. Links marked as NSFL may contain fetish pornography, blood or murder.